Saturday 5 November 2011


Spent most of today considering the joys of nasty letters from the tax-man. The letter wasn't to me, but I've been trying to help out a self-employed friend who has received one. Hopefully we've made some reasonable progress, at least in the reassuring stakes if nothing else.

I am typing this listening to the crash of fireworks out the back somewhere. I wish they'd shut up, they're spoiling my enjoyment of "Close to you" (Beverley Craven's most recent album)!

I didn't manage a very long blog yesterday so didn't get a chance to talk about my game of golf, which must have been my first in at least three years, if not considerably longer.

Despite the rain (it did tip it down a few times, but the showers were short and sharp, and bunkers were not a good place to be - rather waterlogged), I had a great time. One of my many ambitions in life is to get all they way around a golf course in less than 100 shots. Well, funnily enough I didn't manage it yesterday. But, I did do the back nine in exactly 50 shots, so I know that it's possible.

I think that a 2012 resolution is forming already - namely to make sure that I get a decent number of rounds in. In fact, perhaps I should aim for the number of rounds to be in double figures, as well as the total for one of the rounds to be in double figures as well.

On Thursday I popped into a sports shop to get some new golf shoes, as my old ones had fallen apart some time ago. They were a bargain at 22.99, and so whilst I was there I picked up a couple of dozen golf balls as well, just to be on the safe side. Well, once I'd sorted out my golf bag on Thursday evening I discovered that I'd already got about three dozen balls in there! Then to top it off, I finished off on the 18th green with the same ball that I tee'd up on the 1st!

PS - still looking forward to the first Olive Green instalment ...