Thursday 5 May 2011


Today we're all supposed to be voting in the big AV referendum.

I haven't.

I know I should be exercising my democratic right, but I don't really have strong views between the first past the post and AV systems. The simple fact of the matter is that where you have a situation in which there are three or more options, and only one of them can be chosen, there is no solution that keeps most of the people happy.

So, no dash for to the polling booth for me this evening.

I was home first today, and so went to pick up child plus dog. Neither of them were overly pleased to see me: one because not enough football had been played, and one because they don't like riding in my little car. I'll leave you to guess which was which!

Today I finally got around to doing two things that I should have done ages ago. One was booking the car in for a service (next Thursday). I'm hoping that the leasing company don't get too stressed with me when they realise that I am over 10,000 miles overdue. Fingers crossed that it gets through without incident. Similarly, I'm hoping that I don't get moaned at too much by the dentist when I go in a couple of weeks (the other thing I got around to organising today). I'm taking Jake along for a check up as well, so we'll both be seeing if we can get away without work needing to be done!

Finally for today, Bloggie has arrived. Bloggie is a little camcorder (a bit like the Flip cameras, but Sony's version) and it looks like lots of fun. Will be taking it to Paris next weekend for its first major outing. You never know, there may be some videos turning up on the blog sometime soon.