Tuesday 14 January 2014


(Updated a couple of previous posts to show a pictures from the Boat Show and a picture of Jessie sitting on my case yesterday morning.)

Disappointing news from home this morning - seems like the damp is back in the hall. Nothing like as bad as before but we'd noticed that the new floor had lifted in a few places, and when investigated by the carpenter today there is definitely another leak. So, off we go again - the company with the heat-seeking cameras are coming back on Thursday, and another insurance claim is up and running.

Hall up again

Home early from Brighton this evening so that we could all go along to Jake's Options evening. I think that most decisions have been made, but there are a couple of things to ponder further, and we can talk to some of his teachers at parents' evening next week for further advice. As expected, there are more possibilities for doing (and doing well at) GCSEs than there is space in the timetable.

Was going to go back to Brighton this evening and stay in the hotel, but decided to stay home and hit the road in the morning.