Thursday 23 January 2014


Disappointing day today. At least that's how it feels right now.

I'm sure in retrospect it won't feel that way - I mean, who wants to have an operation if it isn't the right course of action. But we'd kind of got ourselves psyched up for it.

So, back to the neurologist, and we'll see where we go from there.

Maybe I'll blog some more about today when not in iPad mode. Certainly could say a bit more about the place we went to. A bit odd!

Anyway, fringe benefit today was being able to get stuck into Simon Garfield's book about letters on the two long train journeys up and down from Brighton.

Pliny gets a mention, as might be expected. I have a book of his letters on the shelves at home. I think  it may have been needed as part of Latin GCSE, but I can't really claim to have read much. Still, reading an extract from one of his letters today, there was a lovely quote with some great advice:

But isn't it really time your handed over those tiresome petty duties to someone else and shut yourself up with your books in the peace and comfort of your retreat? This is what should be both business and pleasure, work and recreation, and should occupy your thoughts awake and asleep! Create something, perfect it to be yours for all time.