Friday 10 January 2014


(As in the sort of tears that cause things to become torn, rather than tears that you cry!)

Good to get to the end of the first week back. I was in Brighton today, and the biggest news so far this year is that allegiance has been changed from Toast to the Deli a bit further down the road. I had a coronation chicken jacket potato, a piece of quiche, a fruit smoothie and an apple for lunch. And jolly nice it all was too. Bit worried for Toast though - they might go out of business!

Jake had his first evening at the table tennis club today. Sounds like it went well, and he is keen to go back next week which is a good sign.

My order from the Book People arrived today. Unfortunately some of the books are slightly damaged - a few tears on dust jackets and a few damaged pages. I've sent a message to them, and it'll be interesting to see what they propose doing about it ...