Monday 17 January 2011

11 months

Back to hotel, chicken katsu and duck gyoza takeaway in hand, in time to catch the second half of Horizon. Fairly heavy duty in an accessible way as always. Particularly have a soft spot for the programme as some time back, I watched one all about the guy who solved Fermat's Last Theorem, and Nan sent off for a transcript of the show for me. A quick Google search reveals why I particularly remember that. It was first broadcast in 1996,

Anyway, today it was on the topic of Reality, and a couple of mind bending ideas were that maybe reality as we perceive it is all a cosmic hologram, or, that reality is actually a "mathematical structure". Go figure!

In all honesty, the main reason I homed in on BBC2 was to catch the second Episodes. Still good!

Today is 11 months until we go to Florida at Christmas. Why is this important? Well, it is all to do with booking windows for DVC resorts. So I phoned Celebration (where the DVC guys are) and had a long chat with a chap from the UK who lives there now. Fellow Spurs fan so we discussed yesterday's game. Ended up not booking anything yet. Advice was to wait until the 7 month window.

May do that, may insist on getting a protective booking in earlier. We'll see.