Wednesday 19 January 2011

One Day

Picking up where I left off, having blogged last night I settled in with my book, "One Day" which Heather had kindly bought me for Christmas from my wish list. As often happens with me, I found myself in the final third of the book, and basically was beyond the point of no return and had to finish it off.

The book was fantastic. The only problem was that, having read the last page at about half past one, and finding myself in the unfortunate situation of both being all alone in a hotel room, and rather tired and emotional, I needed to speak to Nicky (or more accurately I needed to be spoken to by Nicky). So, after an emergency text home, we had a quick chat.

Nicky did a great job of not being mad at me and was able to say all the right things as always.

I could blog a great deal about the book, but don't want to for fear of giving away the story to people who might read it at some point.

By the way, if you're reading this and have read it, give me a shout - would love to talk to someone about it.

Today, I left Brighton at lunchtime to head back to my own office for the afternoon. On my way back to the car I stopped in at a second hand bookshop to pick up a book to read - inspired by something in a recent Shrewsday post.