Sunday 2 January 2011

"Mini's" Bay

Today we took a trip to the coast with Barley so that she could have a run on the beach. We headed for Minnis Bay (or Mini's Bay as it was always known when I was younger, in honour of our first dog - full name Mini Mo Poplar Hall!). As is tradition, I forgot how far down the coast it was, and started looking for it at about Whitstable, when actually it is pretty much all the way to Margate.

Barley had a lovely time dashing around on the beach, taking particular delight in wading into a pool of seawater, and then laying down in it. Along with this, and there being a load of other dogs around to play with, Barley was pretty much in heaven.

We took a flask of soup with us, and had a lunch break part way through the beach fun to warm up. Fortified, we braved the cold for a little longer before heading homewards.

Job number one when we got home was to get the dog in the bath. As always, she wasn't overly keen on being shepherded into the bathroom and lifted into the tub, but then put up stoically with having a good wash.

Then we all headed off to Nanny and Granddad's for roast pork (dog included), and Barley is now thoroughly worn out, happy, and asleep on her blanket on the sofa. Lovely jubbly.