Saturday 19 March 2011


Today warrants a slightly longer post, after I could only manage a single line yesterday as I was engrossed in Red Nose Day on the TV. I thought that it was fantastic - and raising £74m during the evening was just unbelievable, breaking all previous records. If they get a similar amount as last year added on when getting to the final total, they might just break into 9 figures.

Three things from yesterday evening in particular brought me close to tears, and for very different reasons:

- Smithy's sketch. Once again he stole the comedy show, having roped in the great and the good, including George Michael, Gordon Brown, Lord Coe and Paul McCartney, all of whom seemed to be quite happy to be shouted at by the Essex plumber.

- Esther's film. The little girl of only nine who cared for her mother as she died of AIDS and looked after her baby brother. Heartbreaking. The presenters made a point of reassuring us that the film-makers had looked after her, but how many more like Esther are there?

- A little voice from next to me on the sofa, asking: "Dad, when you phone up to donate some money, please can you add £x from me." Proud parent moment.

As for today, the sun has been out, so as last week, Jake and I were off to the tennis court for a game. He continues to get better, although at times needs a fair amount of convincing of how good he actually is!

Thanks to the clear skies, we were able to enjoy our tennis in the sunshine, and similarly thanks to the clear skies, we have a great view of the full moon this evening.

Having read one of Kate's recent blogs I have learnt that this is a special full moon, as it is coinciding with when the moon is at its closest to us along the elliptical path that it travels.

To mark this, I have attempted to take a photo of the moon. Turns out that it is a really hard thing to do! Here's my best effort.