Monday 21 March 2011


For me, 21 March equals the start of Spring, and today we had a lovely bright day to mark the new season. No doubt we will have a few more cold / wet / frosty moments yet, but the days are getting longer, BST kicks off at the weekend, and we can look forward to increasing temperatures and sunnier days. Doesn't the world seem a better place when the sun is shining!

The other exciting piece of news I noticed today was that today (finally) marks the start of filming of the Hobbit films, which, after much argument, delay and general bother, are being filmed in New Zealand and directed by Peter Jackson. Looks like a large number of the LOTR cast are back for the prequels, including Ian McKellen, Andy Serkis, Christopher Lee and Elijah Wood - it'll be fun to find out how Frodo manages to pop up in the Hobbit? No doubt there will be some moving back and forth in the Middle Earth timeline as the stories unfold. As well as the characters we came to know and love from the trilogy, we will have some new ones to enjoy as well - Martin Freeman as Bilbo and Richard Armitage as Thorin. Can't wait until part one appears, hopefully towards the end of next year.

Reading news: finished Solar by Ian McEwan last night - the story of Michael Beard, a fascinating combination of Nobel genius and seriously flawed individual.