Tuesday 15 March 2011


Started the day with a little bit of work at home, before heading off to Reading for some meetings this afternoon. Meetings went on a bit, so I didn't leave there until after eight. Home just before ten and beans on toast for tea!

I finished off Theodore Boone earlier on. It is Grisham-lite, or Grisham for beginners, being a simple tale about a 13 year old would-be lawyer, but even so, he can't help but write a good story!

Being home so late from work today, I didn't get a chance to speak with Dad, but was pleased to hear that Nicky spoke to him a little bit earlier on. Dad - been thinking of you today, and pleased to hear that things went ok, even if it wasn't much fun.

I'll leave you with something that I read earlier. The colleague in Reading whose desk I borrowed for some of the day today has one of those tear off joke-a-day calendars, and the page that it was on told the story of a vicar who was visiting a parishioner. He knocked on the front door, but got no answer. It was obvious that there was someone at home, so he carried on knocking for some time, but no-one answered the door. Eventually, he gave up, and slid a note through the letter box which read "Revelation 3:20". Well, the next Sunday, after the morning service, the vicar noticed that someone, had put a note in the collection plate. So, he opened it up, and it simply said, "Genesis 3:10".

The version of the joke that I read had kindly included the references, but it's more fun if I leave you to look them up ...